Development guide

Building and testing

Clone Templatekit with test data (lsst/templates):

git clone --recursive-submodules

Install the package for development (do this in a virtual environment):

cd templatekit
pip install -e ".[dev]"

Run tests:


You can also run tests without installing Templatekit first:

python test

Occasionally you may need to update the tests/data/templates submodule:

git submodule update --recursive

Release process


Releases are generally only done by Templatekit’s lead engineer (Jonathan Sick).

Starting from a development branch:

  1. Ensure that the change log (CHANGELOG.rst) is up-to-date.

  2. Ensure that the Travis CI tests pass. The master branch is protected on GitHub to assure this.

  3. Merge to master using a non-fast-forward merge.

  4. Tag using a PEP 440-compatible version identifier.

    git tag -s X.Y.Z -m "X.Y.Z"
    git push --tags

Travis CI will create a new release on PyPI.